Residential Painting
Are you a homeowner just looking to get a fresh look on the inside or outside of your home. We pride ourselves on being competitively priced and doing quality work.
Our Residential Painting Services Include
- Ceilings
- Walls
- Trim
- Painted or varnished trim
- Trim staining
- Staining services
- Spray paint
- Restoration painting
Office & Commercial Painting
Looking for office space painted with a quality finish? Put all your painting requirements into our hands and enjoy a hassle-free painting process at your convenience and to your specifications.
Complete Painting and Wall Preparation Services
- Wallpaper removal and installations
- Removal of dust and dirt from work site
- Wall washing
- Removal of nails
- Preparing wall surfaces for primary coats
- Wall sanding and caulking
- Filling holes
- Ensuring smooth finish before painting
Custom Trim Work
High End Carpentry can totally transform your home, a combination of a design theme throughout the staircase, window frames and other other fittings in the house is a surefire way to elevate the extravagance of a house, and we can do this for you.
Our Trim Carpentry work Include
- Crown molding installation
- Baseboards Replacement
- Paneling Walls
- Shiplap V-board or Nickel Gap
- Flat Stock Trim Decorative Walls
- Wainscoting wall panel
Drywall Repairs & Texturing
Our Company handles any size job from one hole in the wall to entire sheets of drywall needing to be replaced. There is no repair to small or to big for us.
Our Drywall Repair Services Include
- Water damage
- Smoke damage
- Wall hole repair
- Minor patches
- Sheetrock replacement
- Popcorn ceiling removal
- Smooth texturing
- Orange peel texturing
- Acoustic texturing